New Students Start Here!

New Student refers to a person who:

  • has never applied nor attended a college within the Los Angeles Community College District (LACCD), including Los Angeles City College, and
  • has graduated or discontinued attendance from high school

During the application process, all new students must specify their program of study, including the Award Type (e.g. Associates, Certificate etc.) and Major (e.g. Business Administration, Music etc.). A list of degrees and certificates is available to guide new students in identifying their program of study.

Step 1: College Admission and Financial Aid Application

Complete the Admission and Financial Aid applications using the following links:

Complete the LACC Online Application

Within two (2) business days after the application submission, a Student ID Number will be sent to the personal email address entered on the application.

Upon receipt of the Student ID Number, proceed to Step 2.

Step 2: Access the Student Portal

Using your Student ID Number, create a user password to access the student portal at
Learn more about logging in to the student portal and email system.

On the student portal, check campus email messages and complete items listed on your To Do List.

Note: Missing high school diploma and/or college transcripts will NOT prevent applicants from course registration. Due to high volume, it can take awhile for diploma and transcripts to post and reflect on student record.

Step 3: Assessment, Orientation and Counseling

Based on the information provided on your college application, the system will recommend an appropriate English and Math level course for you to register in. Learn more about Assessment and Course Placement.

Applicants planning to enroll in ESL (English as a Second Language) classes should schedule an appointment online to take the ESL assessment test. Or in person at the Assessment Office (SSB 2nd Floor).

To learn more about the campus, complete the online orientation available on

Visit Academic Counseling to determine which classes to register for and develop a personalized Educational Plan.

Step 4: Register for Classes

Log in to to register for classes. For assistance visit Registration Help, or contact the Welcome Center.

Step 5: Pay Fees

Your enrollment will be cancelled unless you make payments by the due date listed in your student portal.

All fees may be paid online in the student portal using a debit or credit card. You may also pay in-person at the College Business Office with cash, money order, and USD cashier’s check payable to Los Angeles City College.

Step 6: Explore Student Support Programs

The First Year Experience (FYE) program provides assistance to new students during their first year of college, including free tuition through the LA Promise.

LACC offers specialized support programs, including the Office of Special Services (OSS) and Office of Student Life (OSL) and Associated Student Government (ASG).

About Assessment

The Assessment Process

Contact Us

Office Hours and Location

Los Angeles City College
855 N. Vermont Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90029

Student Services Building, 2nd Floor


Enrollment Questions?
Student Services Building, Room 180
Please contact the Welcome Center

Phone: (323) 953-4000 ext 2455