Student Services Building Sunset


Geology studies the solid Earth, including Earth materials, Earth history, and the internal and external Earth processes, including plate tectonics, minerals and rocks, earthquakes, volcanoes, and geological time.

Current Geology courses are Geology 1 (Physical Geology), Geology 2 (Earth History), Geology 6 (Physical Geology Laboratory), and Geology 7 (Earth History Laboratory). With Physical Geology (1 and 6) a student can satisfy Physical Science and Lab transfer requirements.

Contact Prof. Nathaniel Lorentz for more information.

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If a class is open and you are unable to enroll (and already have the correct prerequisites) please email Admissions.



Nathaniel Lorentz, PhD Department Chair

SCI 324F
Email: @email
Phone: (323) 953-4000 ext. 2691