College Promise

College Promise will provide one year of free enrollment at any LACCD college for students who meet certain requirements. At Los Angeles City College, all College Promise students must be a part of the First Year Experience (FYE) Program. Second year free tuition is also available, please speak with a FYE representative to find out more information.

College Promise will pay enrollment fees ($46 per unit) for Fall and Spring semesters, as long as students are enrolled in at least 12 units. Summer and Winter enrollment is not included, however, students may qualify for other financial aid to pay for those semesters. For more information about Los Angeles College Promise, please click here.

To qualify, a student must*:

  • Be a high school graduate or have a high school diploma equivalent (such as a GED)
  • Not have completed any college credit (except for college classes taken while in high school)
  • Be a California resident or eligible for in-state tuition (see AB 540)
  • Complete either the FAFSA or CA Dream Act application (students do not need to qualify for or receive financial aid, but must to submit an application)
  • Complete the Los Angeles City College Application
  • Must have Math/English placements on file or completed AB 705 form with a counselor
  • Must complete LACC Online Orientationavailable through student portal
  • Attend mandatory Summer Bridge experience the summer before you begin classes
  • Must enroll in a minimum of 12 units each semester (fall and spring)*
  • Must be enrolled in FYE math and English in their first semester and counseling courses (40A/B/C) during the summer, fall, and spring of their first year
  • Be in good standing with First Year Experience program and complete student success-related requirements of the program throughout the year(click here to see FYE requirements)

*Some exceptions may apply. Please contact an FYE counselor for more details.

Office Hours

In Person / Online
Mondays to Thursdays: 8:00AM - 4:00PM
Fridays: 8:00AM - 1:30PM
Saturdays to Sundays: Closed