Communications & Media

The Official LACC Fonts

Image of Different Kind of LACC Fonts

ITC Century Std Book Condensed

Google Domine may be substituted - View Domine on Google Fonts

Frutiger 55 Roman

Google Istok Web may be substituted - View Istok on Google Fonts

Advertising & Promotion

While the LACC logo should never be re-typeset, designers may choose to use the Century and Frutiger font families utilized in the logo for headlines, body copy, etc. However, for advertising, other fonts that stylistically contrast with the logo may be preferable. Suggested serif fonts include Times New Roman, Caslon; suggested sans-serif fonts include Futura, Helvetica, Proxima Nova, and Gill Sans. Ideally, fonts should not feel discordant (except in rare cases when a more cacophonous effect is desired). As new fonts become available, use taste and discretion in their implementation.

Contact us

Office Hours

Mondays to Fridays: 8:00AM - 4:30PM
Saturdays to Sundays: Closed


Shaena Engle, Public Relations Manager
Email: @email
Phone: (323) 953-4000