Holmes Hall

Psi Beta National Honor Society

What Is Psi Beta?

Psi Beta is the national honor society in psychology for community and junior colleges. It is the first two-year college honor society approved for membership in the Association of College Honor Societies, which regulates membership requirements.

The society functions as a federation of chapters located at 125 accredited two-year colleges. Psychology students become members by invitation of the chapters at their colleges. The chapters are operated by the Psi Beta student members and faculty sponsors. A National Council composed of Psi Beta sponsors guides the affairs of the organization and determines policy. The national office in Chattanooga coordinates and records activities and maintains membership files. Psi Beta participates with Psi Chi, the national honor society in psychology for senior colleges and universities, at APA, APS, and regional conventions.

Psi Beta was founded for the purpose of stimulating, encouraging, and recognizing students' outstanding scholarship and interest in psychology.

What Are the Membership Requirements?

Psi Beta membership eligibility requirements are as follows:

  1. You have completed a college psychology course with a grade of B or higher.
  2. You have completed 12 units of college coursework with a cumulative college GPA of 3.25 or higher, or your GPA is within the top 35% of GPAs at your college.
  3. You have an interest in psychology.
  4. You have good standing in the community.
  5. You pay a $50 one-time, lifetime fee.

The faculty sponsor will determine student eligibility based on the above membership requirements and submit a request for membership to the national Psi Beta office. The national office will then contact prospective members with an official email invitation to join the Los Angeles City College Chapter of Psi Beta. Students must then pay their membership dues to the national Psi Beta office. An official induction ceremony will take place during the Spring semester each year where new members are inducted into Psi Beta and then receive their official membership certificate and pins from the national Psi Beta office.

For additional information or to apply for membership in PSI BETA, please contact your faculty sponsor or visit the Psi Beta Website.

Dr. Jeffrey Blum
Email: @email
Phone: (323) 953-4000 ext. 2932

Contact Us


Holmes Hall 100


David Sedghi, Department Chair
Email: @email